Tag Archives: animal shelter

It’s OK to Thoroughly Enjoy Thursday

28 Mar

I have thoroughly enjoyed this Thursday.  I’ve done two cool things that I’ve never done before (I’ll get to those in a minute) and today’s weather is actually reflecting what I’d want my spring break to be.

But first…

Its Ok Thursdays

I’m linking up with Neely to tell you it’s ok…

That I haven’t cleaned the house as much as I’d hoped over spring break.

That I really want to win the adorable monogrammed clutch that Neely is giving away for her birthday (even if I wouldn’t buy it for myself I would definitely get some use out of it).

That I haven’t even bought B one birthday present.  At least I’ve scoped some out and know where to find most of it and about how much it all costs.

That I never played a day of softball in my life. I’ve seen enough that I can still give my (almost) 4 year old a few tips.

That I have to go back to work Monday.  I would prefer a little more time at home, but it will be better for my weight loss goals and I’ll only have about 8 weeks left (all of which will be cram packed so they’ll fly by [hopefully]).

That I haven’t worked on school stuff at all during my spring break. I needed the break and I’ll be glad I made the choice in the long run.

Now for the two new things I did today.

1) I got in the backyard with B and played an actual game of catch…with gloves…and a real baseball.  He is growing up so much.

2) Bennett and I went to the local animal shelter to help walk dogs before the shelter closes for the long weekend. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but we enjoyed interacting with the dogs and I know they were happy to get out in the sunshine.

Jethro was the first dog we walked. He was sweet and wanted to socialize with the other dogs.


Bennett called the second dog Tricycle for some reason.  This sweet dog wanted some lovin’ so we kept him out for a little while longer and talked about why he probably wouldn’t make a very good friend for Klyde.



There were about 15 adorable puppies.  This is just one cute litter.


Why not finish this post up with an update on that 100th follower I talked about yesterday? I have officially reached 111 followers if you count my WordPress and Bloglovin’ followers.  Thanks to all of my followers new and old!

I know today is Friday for many of you because of Easter, so I hope you enjoy your long weekend.

I’ll end my post with a flower from B to you (it’s really a weed, but it’s all in how you perceive it).


Thanks for reading,
